Tim Snyder

My story can be best summed up by the words of the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:10 – “By the grace of God I am what I am.”
By God’s grace I was blessed to grow up in a home with parents who loved God and one another. They showed me what it means to be a follower and servant of Jesus Christ. I heard the true gospel at home and at church and received Christ as my Lord and Savior at the age of 5. During my teen years, God’s grace continued to abound as I continued to grow in the Lord through His Word and biblical discipleship. It was then that God graciously gave me a desire for ministry, and I surrendered to His call at the age of 18. God, in His grace, then went to work preparing me for ministry by leading me to Clarks Summit University, by giving me three priceless pastoral internships, and connecting me with godly mentors who poured into my life and ministry.
After graduation, one of God’s greatest acts of grace in my life took place on July 15, 2006. I married the most beautiful woman in the world – Jennie, who has been a part of my life since childhood. Jennie has a passion for discipleship and worship and touches the lives of so many through music and personal mentorship. Our heart has always been to take believers where they are and move them to maturity in Christ. God’s grace abounded all the more when He gave us our two incredible kids: Kellan – who loves basketball, Mario, and trains and Lila – who loves music, art, and slime.
We were blessed to serve at Riverdale Baptist Church in Flint, Michigan. Riverdale is an incredible place because it is filled with incredible people. For ten years I served as Youth and Worship Pastor, and then for 2 years I served as Pastor of Discipleship and Worship. And God in His grace not only counted us faithful, but also made us fruitful.
While we are thankful for our past ministry, God moved us to serve Him in a new direction. In Fall 2020, God moved us to Lycoming Valley Baptist Church where I have been serving as the Lead Pastor. As we serve in this new location, our family motto will always be – “Wherever God has us, wherever God takes us – we will serve Him together!”